Thursday, 19 January 2012

Weight Loss Expert Says All Hypno Band Companies Should Offer A Guarantee


From Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Magazine http://

A leading UK Gastric Band Hypnotherapy expert has become fed up with companies who offer hypnotherapy for weight loss which is also known as hypno band not offering their clients a full guarantee. Claire Hegarty as seen on television has said that if these hypno band clinics or hypnotherapy for weight loss companies are offering hypnotherapy for weight loss then they should offer a full guarantee. The leading UK Gastric band hypnotherapy expert who also has her own health radio show has said if the companies cannot offer a guarantee then they should not be offering the service.

Claire Hegarty has decided to offer all of her weight loss clients a full guarantee and is hoping that other hypnotherapy for weight loss people in her field will do the same.

The leading expert said:"If someone goes to a person that claims to be an expert in weight loss hypnotherapy then the client should receive a full guarantee and not small print that says they cannot offer a guarantee that they will lose weight with hypnotherapy there service."

She continued:"If you bought a car from a showroom then you would expect a guarantee and that is the same with any weight loss service."

Claire explained that gastric band hypnotherapy does help people to lose weight and works in the same way as a real gastric band which allows you to lose weight while still being able to eat what you want.

The UK Gastric Band Hypnotherapy expert who offers free advice over the phone by calling 0151 678 3358 or 07714 853 524 explains that diets are not working for the majority of people while gastric band hypnosis does work and keeps the weight off.

Claire explained that it does not matter how much you weight or how little will power or confidence you have, by working with her using her gastric band hypnotherapy technique, you will lose weight and become slim.

The gastric band hypnosis expert helps people all over the UK to become slim which includes men who are 22 stone and through gastric band hypnotherapy have lost weight to weigh in at 13 stone and women who were 18 stone to now weigh 11 stone.

As Claire Hegarty explains, anyone can lose weight using her unique Gastric Band Hypnotherapy technique where she convinces your mind that you have had a gastric band fitted.

One woman who thought she could not lose weight was a mother of two. She struggled for many years trying lots of different diets but failed to lose any real weight until she heard about gastric band hypnosis.

Emma Eveleigh is a mother of two who became frustrated with traditional diets; she had convinced herself that she would never get the body back that she so much wanted. The mother of two looked into having a Gastric Band fitted but decided against it after learning about all the complications that could be involved as well as the £8,500 price tag that she would have to pay. But then Emma life changed, she discovered Gastric Band Hypnotherapy, which gives people all the benefits of having a Gastric Band fitted without the complications and the cost.

One of the things that people on a diet worry about is will power but with gastric band hypnotherapy you do not need will power as you are allowed to eat what you want and when you want, you do not need to worry about starving yourself to lose weight.
Within the first week Emma found that he weight was dropping thanks to gastric band hypnosis and now she has the body that she has always dreamt of.

Emma is just one of thousands of people who have used gastric band hypnosis to lose weight and now celebrities are using gastric band hypnosis to become slim and keep the weight off.

Claire Hegarty who offers free advice over the phone and free consultations explained that anyone can become slim; no longer do people have to worry about diets that do not work all thanks to Claire Hegarty and her Gastric Band Hypnotherapy technique.

For free advice please call 0151 678 3358 or 07714 853524 or visit

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